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Saturday, January 1, 2011

Cycling Workout 12: Jam Out to the New Year Ride!

Today may not be the best day for a ride for some people given that New Eve usually does not translate into a good New Year's Day. However, if you are feeling up to it, here is a another cycling workout to add to your list. Also, the reason this is a 'resolution ride' is because you are resolving to get on your bike after a long night.

Total time: About 70 minutes

-5-10 minutes
-5 x 1 minute in saddle x 1 minute out of the saddle run, level 5, 90-100 rpm
-add some tension, 3 minutes of 15 sec. in saddle x 15 sec. out of saddle run, level 5, 80-90 rpm,

Main Set:
Okay this is going to be easy/require no watch, thinking, keeping track of pace or anything...

1. Find five of your favorite songs      
2. Each song needs to be about 4-5 minutes in length
3. Each song needs to have a nice chorus to it or at least a nice up tempo beat
4. For each song, when the chorus starts up, push hard at the chorus.
5. Alternate between flat and hills for each song (or whatever combination you want to use).
6. Do this for about 20-25 minutes (so about 5-6 songs depending on length)

-2 min. easy spin

On a flat road (90-100 rpm so relatively medium gear)...
- 15 sec. sprint x 45 sec. easy
- 30 sec. sprint x 30 sec. easy
- 45 sec. sprint x 15 sec easy
- 1 min. recover then repeat the above set once more.

Cool Down:
- 5 minutes of working in and out the saddle easy
- 5 minutes of cool down

And remember, best cure for a hangover is to drink lots of water!

You guys may not feel like dealing with a lot of intervals, times, and numbers in general today. This workout is designed to just let you rock out to your favorite tunes and just go based on feel. For the pushes, try to get into race pace effort and follow the tempo of the song. For the sprints, go hard (above race pace/level 8-9). This workout is perfect for when you don't want to think about anything and just go (works on the road as well).

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