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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Weight Workout 1: A Basic strength training profile

I mentioned at the top of the blog that I would include some weight workouts so here it goes. This will just be a basic strength training profile.

Warm up:
10 minutes of cardio (your choice)

Main Set:
2-3 sets of 10 x squats (medium weight)
2 sets of 10 x lunges (medium weight)
Combo: 5 lunges on each leg followed immediately by 5 squats (medium weight). Do 2 sets
Step ups: Find a box, step, stairs, etc. With medium weights in both hands step up onto the box, step, etc. Focus on pushing up on each leg. Do 2 sets of 20 (10 on each leg)
Combo: 5 lunges on each leg followed immediately by wall squat for 1 minute. Do 2 sets.
Squats: 2 sets of 10 squats, use heavier weight this time

Overhead press: with weight in both hands, do 2 sets of 15 presses (i.e. push arms straight up with weight)
Tricep extensions: 3 sets of 10 on each arm (so 20 total for 1 set)
Dips: 2 sets of 20-40 (depending on how you feel)
Dead-lift with Up-right rows: Perform a dead-lift with a bar of medium/heavy weight, once at the knees perform 3 rows then return to set position. Do this move 5 times (total of 15 rows and 5 dead-lifts) for 2-3 sets.
Push-ups (always finish with these)

5 minutes of abs (your choice)

Cool Down:
10 minutes easy with some light stretching

If you are not sure what one of the exercises I put down means/are not familiar with it just ask.
I did not specify what weight to use because it is going to vary from person to person. If you are just starting back into weights then use light to medium weight. If you have been doing weights for a while then go heavy... just don't hurt yourself. Also, as triathletes, runners, cyclists, etc. we tend to neglect our legs in the weight room. DO NOT do this. Always try to squeeze in some leg exercises (especially if you only manage to do a strength workout once a week).
You can do all the sets from the profile above or just pick a couple you like and combine them with some of your own. I will try to post more exercises for strength training throughout the year. Enjoy!

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